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Staffordshire University

College Road, Stoke on Trent , United King, ST4 2DE
+44 (0)1782 294000

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Aplikacja bazodanowa - Oleje i akcesoria
How will the University help my child to find accommodation

Finding somewhere appropriate to live for your son or daughter is bound to be one of your top priorities. The Accommodation Office will help you to find accommodation, whether it is University managed or in the private sector. We know that you need to be confident that they're moving to somewhere that's properly maintained, of a high standard and as safe and secure as possible. You can be assured that wherever your son or daughter decides to live - in halls of residence, a flat, bedsit or shared house - we'll make sure that it's all of the above and the right choice for you.

We also run a Landlord Registration Scheme, which provides additional support for students seeking accommodation outside University maintained housing. This means that all registered properties meet specified standards, in terms of health and safety and basic standards (eg every bedroom should have a desk).

What sort of accommodation is available?

The different types of accommodation suit different people - some people like the convenience and community feel of halls, others prefer to get away to quieter surrounds after lectures. Ensuite accommodation is available at both campuses. Open Days give you the chance to see accommodation for yourself and to attend talks by Accommodation staff. Please feel free to talk to staff at any time about any individual queries and you can find out more about accommodation through our accommodation brochure.

A host of private accommodation is available close to both of the main campuses.

What is the cost of accommodation?

With University prices between L38 and L64 per week in 2003 we offer excellent value, and students do not have to move out during the Christmas and Easter vacations. There are three ways to pay - either by three termly instalments, by direct debit over seven months, or by full settlement in a single payment at the beginning of the academic year (for which there is a small reduction). All students in halls receive a complimentary starter pack.

Private sector rents are some of the least expensive in the country, averaging L36 in Stoke and L39 in Stafford in 2003.

Where is the accommodation in relation to the University?

At Stoke the University maintained accommodation is all within a good distance of the University, and the on campus halls of residence are all modern, such as Clarice Cliff Court, which was new in 2000.

In Stafford, all of our accommodation is on campus. The University has spent eight million pounds in two years on accommodation here and there are now over 600 places available. There is also a huge stock of private sector accommodation within easy reach of both of the main sites of the University.

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